Wednesday, December 23, 2009

"Elites" Anger Me (Calling them out!)

So I've only been on this whole blog scene for about a month and already I hate the "elites" of Stardoll.  Even the so called "elite-hating" blog - Perez Hilton of Stardoll are hypocrites when it comes to this.  (And I usually love this blog, but I think its just N1mkeva or whatever the hell her name is.) Their latest post on the Fierce magazine party best dressed list was all elites, plus the outfits SUCKED! They weren't creative or original.  Anyone can match a shirt and shoes or, gasp, wear pants instead of a dress (which they praised a player for "daring" to do).  Its quite ridiculous and I'm sick of it.  Want the real "elite" hating site?  Well, you're at it baby.  We are calling out their crap and not getting sucked in.
P.S.  Wanna read that ridiculous article?  Click here.