Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Perez's Party Drama!

 PerezStarGossip had a little costume party earlier today...heres what went down:
So the party started out a little slow, some people dressed up, others didn't.  Dan (Danpuffs) made a rocking play list and things got going.  Then all hell broke loose.  Dan posted a pic of his blocked list and, shocker, Charlotte (N1mka4eva) was on it!  She is a writer for his blog and this was a surprise to many people.  Apparently he finds her "sly and annoying" and only puts up with her on the blog, but not on Stardoll.  Also he believes that she was badmouthing him.  She vehemently denied this fact and the feud raged on.  Dan refused to accept her apology.  The end?  Def not!