Thursday, February 11, 2010

Desperate Debbie.

On Stardoll's Most Wanted today, the always attention seeking Filipinhamaria is begging Stardoll members to vote for her for Covergirl today.  She makes a pathetic plea that she has only been 2nd place, but never first.  Big Deal!  Its just sad and desperate that she would sink to this.  No one cares about her and all the money she wastes trying to fullfill her little dream.  Here is a quote about voting for her "Please vote me COVERGIRL today but only if you think i deserve, in my opinion i think i deserve."
Well thats great, but we don't care.  


Anonymous said...

I SO AGREE! Its a dress-up game! Get a life Filip!

Anonymous said...

Im filipa n im not afraid to say wht y think bout u, ur jelous, u just want attention.
Why u do this?
Do u win a prize if u be mean?
I can ask as many times i want votes, at leaSt im not coward like u anonymous n u future celeb wht a name.
u just want ur 15 minutes of fame work ok, bc i work a lot.
u really a looser bc u heart people at any cost just to have attention.
there is space for both of us ok u stay on ur whole.
I have a life ok but u i think u dont have bc u waste ur time spk bad things bout other people.
U dare to say im desesperate look at u, i will never will be like u.
Nobody cares bout u n nobody even likes u. im laugh bc ur silly n pathetic, u shouul go to a doctor bc ur mad n u need to be care.

Anonymous said...

Is it so hard to type the right? I can't stand people who always type this like thiz. ANdzm yYouz...

Anonymous said...

To *future*celeb*

How pathetic. She definitely deserve to become a CG.Check her suite, its much better then yours. She is writer on Stardolls most wanted, and if she wants to advertise there, and Jenna allowed that, then you have nothing bad to say about it! You are just trying to get some attention. Unlike you, she is nice person. And she prove that every day. There are so many people who each day are spending thousands on just trying to become a Cg, they are advertising whole day, but they doesnt deserve to win at all. ( Like today CG ).Filipinhamaria deserve to win. If you dont like her & you thing she doesnt deserve to win, then just dont vote. End of story.

ADJAJA/Anna said...

All I can say is I don't read Stardoll's Most Wanted for some "elite," who has poor grammar, no sentence structure, and uses CHATSPEAK to rant on about how she hasn't become cover girl and what-not.

Reality check, there are FIFTY MILLION members on Stardoll, not just you.

SOMEONE said...

She deserves to become covergirl ok? And she's doing what all the other people are doing to become covergirl. Sending broadcast messages. And to the person above me, it's really cruel to say that she has poor grammar and everything. She's from Portugal, 'kay? Just coz she's from another country you just can't judge her like that, looser. Who are you guys, burn book bitches?